That "CATCHER IN THE RYE" moment
When did the world become such a shitty place? Perhaps it has always been shitty, I just noticed it a little too late. I guess that is what happens when you stop being concerned with all that cut-throat bullshit that society forces into our minds - that one takes a step back and notices all the shit for what it really is. I imagine this is what it's like for the rats and roaches living in the sewers, preoccupied with their little day-to-day objectives until one day, one of them decides: " fuck the objective.. " and that is when the smell of the sewer eventually hits its nostrils - for the first time, like a curtain or barrier pulled off to reveal something that nobody ever suspected existed. Sooo Depressing!! What would make the world a little less shittier? Well, according to the media, it's one of two things but cleverly disguised as "several things".I am of course referring to MONEY and/or RELIGION. If you think about money, you'll have things l...