That "CATCHER IN THE RYE" moment
When did the world become such a shitty place? Perhaps it has always been shitty, I just noticed it a little too late. I guess that is what happens when you stop being concerned with all that cut-throat bullshit that society forces into our minds - that one takes a step back and notices all the shit for what it really is. I imagine this is what it's like for the rats and roaches living in the sewers, preoccupied with their little day-to-day objectives until one day, one of them decides: "fuck the objective.." and that is when the smell of the sewer eventually hits its nostrils - for the first time, like a curtain or barrier pulled off to reveal something that nobody ever suspected existed. Sooo Depressing!!
What would make the world a little less shittier? Well, according to the media, it's one of two things but cleverly disguised as "several things".I am of course referring to MONEY and/or RELIGION.
If you think about money, you'll have things like a decent job, a nice house and car or being able to go on vacations - perhaps to foreign countries where they do not even speak the same language as you do, but fuck it you have all the money in the world and you can buy your way out of any serious situation - like forgetting your hotel key back inside your room. The point is money has been disguised as "other things" that would make life slightly bearable - except you rarely hear the word "money" instead you'll hear dumb shit phrases like: "well paying job".
As for Religion, there isn't too much say except most of these priest and pastors are going to burn. Most congregations are filled with extremely desperate and extremely naive individuals, these guys [the goddamn Priest and Pastors] cannot believe the levels of stupidity and so they do the honorable thing and that is:- taking your money - which was what drove you there in the first place - well your desperation and lack of cash that is, and all you got in return was a prayer and the hope that possibly one day you'd have all the money in the world to visit a foreign country and forget your key inside the hotel room.
The bible is the world's best selling book in the history of "best" and also "selling" and also "books" !!! After that you have all those motivational books and crap that promise to transform your life as soon as you get to the last of the book. I once bought a book that promised to teach me how to speak French within 10 days... by day 37, all I could say was: "excuse me please" in French of course..
At this point it should be noted: I don't hate religion, I just don't like what "humans" have turned it into. And that right there is the problem.."the humans"- the source of all of the world's shittiness!
What would make the world a little less shittier? Well, according to the media, it's one of two things but cleverly disguised as "several things".I am of course referring to MONEY and/or RELIGION.
If you think about money, you'll have things like a decent job, a nice house and car or being able to go on vacations - perhaps to foreign countries where they do not even speak the same language as you do, but fuck it you have all the money in the world and you can buy your way out of any serious situation - like forgetting your hotel key back inside your room. The point is money has been disguised as "other things" that would make life slightly bearable - except you rarely hear the word "money" instead you'll hear dumb shit phrases like: "well paying job".
As for Religion, there isn't too much say except most of these priest and pastors are going to burn. Most congregations are filled with extremely desperate and extremely naive individuals, these guys [the goddamn Priest and Pastors] cannot believe the levels of stupidity and so they do the honorable thing and that is:- taking your money - which was what drove you there in the first place - well your desperation and lack of cash that is, and all you got in return was a prayer and the hope that possibly one day you'd have all the money in the world to visit a foreign country and forget your key inside the hotel room.
The bible is the world's best selling book in the history of "best" and also "selling" and also "books" !!! After that you have all those motivational books and crap that promise to transform your life as soon as you get to the last of the book. I once bought a book that promised to teach me how to speak French within 10 days... by day 37, all I could say was: "excuse me please" in French of course..
At this point it should be noted: I don't hate religion, I just don't like what "humans" have turned it into. And that right there is the problem.."the humans"- the source of all of the world's shittiness!